Messenger of Allah You said,
you have a beard lengthy and make moss small. This Sahih Hadith is related to the beard
in several Hadith texts. Hadrat Ibn Umar It is in the hadith of the Prophet I have said,

You make a beard tall, keep the goof small. In some traditions, the above sentence is preceded - "You should oppose the pagans."

If you put a beard on your shoulder, then some of the great benefits to bearded.

Benefits Are

✔1) And his Messenger (peace be upon him) will be happy.
✔ 2) Becoming a beard is similar to all the Prophets.
✔3) If the beard is kept, the prayer of the Prophet will be obtained.
✔4) The torment will be forgiven.

✔5) The good will of the bearded person and the man The blessings of the bearers.
✔6) If a bearded Muslim dies in a place unknown to the Muslim, then there is no need to see the nakedness of the Muslim.
✔7) Bearer enhances the beauty of the face and carries the identity of heroism.
✔ 8) The believer's beard will become a light in the darkness of Resurrection.

✔ 9) If the faith is right then the bearded person will meet with the Prophet and his wife.
✔10) Keeping the beard will save you from many sins. To be.
✔11) It is one of the symbols of Islamic civilization.
> ✔12) If the beard is kept, the Suwald-Jawab of Munkar-Nakir is easy.

✔13) The long beard does not let the harmful species of health reach the throat and the sina.
✔14) The beard frees the neck from the antioxidant reaction of the winter ovum.
✔15) The existence of the beard increases sexism, which is proved by the doctor.
✔16) If you put a beard,

✔17) If you put a beard, it can save you from the wasteful time and money spent on saving.
✔18) The beard is protected by Zaria.
✔19) Physical beauty increases by keeping the beard.
✔20) When the rash or blade in the beard starts to hurt, eye rage is hurt. As a result the eye light decreases and
the facial skin becomes tough. So, if you put a beard, it is possible to get rid of this harm.
(Bukhari Sharif 1356, Muslim, Sharif 2242, Nasir 354).

So let us keep the Sun's keeping the beard and be healthy.